Sunday, May 25, 2008

On the internet, nobody knows you're a monkey

Hmm, humm... first the dark matter thing, now the landing on Mars. Is there a connection? If so, I WILL FIND IT!

Perhaps the missing dark matter is actually in the form of frozen ice slushies flowing through the canals on Mars! AND, if it is cherry slushies, that would account for the color.

But wait, what about STRING THEORY?!? Could the dark slushie matter form strings? More to find out... must get back to my telescope.

more later.
mr eddie


KristenD said...

This is preposterous!
I KNOW your a monkey and if you
dare use this as a forum for proclaiming your continual procurment of specific articles of clothing I shall expose thee Mr Eddie

KristenD said...

....and yet,
I cannot keep away...
Your online allure is inescapable.
Oh to be toyed (no pun intended) with
by such an attrative yet complicated mind