my recent flit flight fight into the world of the imaginary imagination has led me farther astray from my usual astral... uh... astraying. yes. i have brandished out from astrophysics into hitherto uncharted charts... specifically, to poetry. um. and in the course of that process i have done my research. yes. and the advice i got from the googlesphere and the wikimagi and the blogobloggers is: poetry is about self expression. expressing your self. ok.
and so i have written a poem, which i believe expresses and illuminates my most innermost being self. and this is the poem, which i will share with you (the poem, that is...). i believe it is quite successful, and so i probably shan't need to compose another. which is a relief, to me at least, and now i can get back to my celestial investigations. so anyway, here it is, my poem:
Kapok, kapok, kapok.
Kay-Pok. Kapok, kapok... kapok.
Kapok! Kapok kapok!! Ka-
pok? Kaaaaaayyyyy...
Kapockapockapockapokpokpokpok. Kapok.
Kapok, capoc, kapok: kapok.
so there it is. i am. since it is an expression of my most inner self. there you are.
they say that if you put a million monkeys in front of a million typewriters and have them all type, they will eventually produce the sonnets of Shakespeare. the internet has not actually disproved them, but apparently it will take longer than we thought. but, i'm doing my part, eh?
more later,
Mr. Eddie
PS: also i should mention: i prefer blake to milton, and basho to pound, and shel silverstein to that damnd cat who wouldn't recognize a poem if it bit her on the pussywillow. just so you know. i've done my homework.
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