Friday, September 12, 2008

Verry Very Important...

um um um... WELL! well, well indeed.... that’s a deep subject. yes. deep as a well, and dark as a dungeon... or is that a mine? well, i’m not sure. mine? or yours? if yours, then it’s your well, come... you're welcome. thank you! well come back. or, is it a mine? or a miner? Or, A Minor, my favorite key? like a key under the well come mat... or matter, for that matter??? which brings us back to the matters at hand: matter, anti matter, and aunt matter. WHO’S ON FIRST????

At any rate, I’m in a bit of a dither, as you might notice. yes. whirling like a dithering dervish, as it were, in a whirl. wind. or in a swirl of whirling protons in a Large Hadron Collider, as it were. yes. and that is what’s on my mind, now. the Large Hadron Collider. very exciting times, we live in. now. so exciting, it makes my head spin. i love saying that: Large Hadron Collider.

by the way, it's the collider itself which is large, not the hadrons. hadrons are very very small. but that collider, that's one big donut.

so i’ve spent the past view days here in CERN, working with my colleagues on the startup of the Large Hadron Collider. really? welllll... sort of. yes. i will now explain...

[Eddie starts downloading images to illustrate various aspects of High Energy Particle Physics, and his triumphant research expedition at CERN...

unfortunately, at this moment he accidentally stumbles on Stwallskull’s Cartoon Crypt: Directory of Vintage Monkey Cartoons

anyway, he’ll be back in a couple of days to complete his report. after he's done watching cartoons.]

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