Friday, June 13, 2008


umhmm.. hmm... yes i am sensitive. on the one hand, this aids in my research. yes. i think the lines between art and science are not so precisely drawn. um. and so while we often talk about the sensitive artist, i think also about the sensitive scientist. einstein was sensitive, and that guy in Omaha who can sense geomagnetic disturbances with his hands...

and i am sensitive, too. it is a blessing, and yet it has it's drawbacks. i get insights, but i also get hurt sometimes too. like when i got this handwritten note in my fortune cookie:

at first i was frightened. then i was sad. who is this ren person, and why is he so upset? and is he upset with me, or some other monkey? am i in danger? is he on some kind of crusade to terrorize monkeys by poisoning the fortune-cookie pool with hate mail? so i tried to find out. perhaps it is this person:

but why would he say this? we have so much in common. i would like to have a cup of coffee with him, discuss plasma physics, and find out what is troubling him. i would also help him spell particle.

i try to be friendly and helpful. but sometimes this is not enough. perhaps he is another sensitive scientist, and (like me) his genius is not recognized. i will recognize his genius, perhaps that will help.

please be kind to all beings. there is room in the world of science for kindness.

more later,

1 comment:

KristenD said...

Well my tender Primate-Bedmate
(and let them read into that what they will)I am touched and pround of your compassionate attitude in the face of this unkind & aggressive fortune cookie missive. On the other hand my little darlink if all else fails, I CAN bite, I really, really can bite. In fact, I likes a tasty genius, just had one for breakfast this morning....